Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Little Like Christmas

I love when a new business comes to the community. It's like a little taste of Christmas or Birthday in an otherwise ordinary month. A New business brings a freshness to the community. I love the newness of the concept. I love the fresh, clean smell of the paint. I love the creative, outside the box thinking of the branding and/or design companies.

When construction first begins, it's a little like when you first lay eyes on your presents. Man, you just can't wait to see what's in that box! Is it a clothing store? Is it a new food place? Every single day when you drive by, you look to see if anything has changed. I crane my head and try to squint my eyes to see if I can get a glimpse and a first knowledge of what it will be. When the banner or sign goes up announcing the the business, well, that's when the fun really begins for me. I really get excited...kind of like when you realize that the box under the Christmas tree looks like exactly the right size for what you want. I begin to dream about the color scheme and where everything will be. Who will work there? Who will hang out there? What products will they have? Oh, I hope it's unique, different and cool!

So, what is our concept? What is our color scheme? What are the yogurt flavors? What are the toppings? I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Christmas and Birthdays are not much fun when you know exactly what you are going to get.

Keep a watch for the "open" sign in the next few weeks. We are almost ready to "unwrap" our business to you, the community. Just like Christmas and Birthdays, it's going to be worth the time we made you wait.

1 comment:

  1. Is this Yogurt Lab the first and only one or are there others anywhere?
